国际物流International logistics


国际代理组织/International Agency Network

WCA货物运输联盟,可以在全球范围内实现门到门或点对点的运输,并可以提供集运或配送服务, 尽可能减少客户的物流成本。在美加,南美,日韩,中东,东南亚,澳洲,欧洲,等诸多航线上, 可为客户提供优质,专业,快捷的集装箱国际海海运进出口代理理服务。

WCA cargo transport alliance can realize door-to-door or point-to-point transportation worldwide, and can provide consolidation or distribution services to minimize customers' logistics costs. In the us and Canada, South America, Japan and South Korea, the Middle East, southeast Asia, Australia, Europe, and so on many routes, can provide customers with high quality, professional, efficient container international sea transport agency for import and export agent services.

版权所有:上海守恒国际物流有限公司昆山分公司 技术支持:金涛科技 苏ICP备19030025号-1